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Effective retirement age
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Earnings-related and national pension recipients
Number of pension recipients
Size of pension recipients' pension
Number of new retirees
Size of new retirees' pension
Share of population receiving a pension
Pension recipients living abroad
Earnings-related pension recipients
Monthly statistics of earnings-related pension recipients
Number of earnings-related pension recipients
Size of earnings-related pension recipients' pension
Number of new retirees on earnings-related pension
Size of pension of new retirees on earnings-related pension
Disability pension incidence rate
Recipients of earnings-related pension living abroad
Effective retirement age
Working in retirement
Pension expenditure
Pension applications
Earnings-related pension rehabilitation
Persons insured for earnings-related pension
Insurance for work abroad and posted workers
From Finland abroad
Labour years ratio
Financing of earnings-related pensions
Cash flows
Financial statements figures
Cost of division figures
Time series
Companies' earnings-related pension contributions
Index figures