Average pension of earnings-related and national pension recipients
- Year: 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, ..., 2024 (33)
- Pension recipients' group: All pensioners of earnings-related and national pension, Earnings-related pensioners, (2)
- Area of residence or region: Resident in Finland or abroad, Resident in Finland, Resident abroad, Uusimaa, ..., Åland (23)
- Pension benefits: Pensioners in their own right (excl. part-time and partial old-age pension), total pension, Pensioners in their own right (excl. part-time and partial old-age pension), pension in one's own right, Old-age pensioners (excl. partial old-age pension), total pension, Old-age pensioners (excl. partial old-age pension), pension in one's own right, ..., Orphan's pension, survivors' pension (17)
- 5-year age groups: All age groups, 0 - 15, 16 - 19, 20 - 24, ..., 100 - (20)
- Gender: Both genders, Males, Females, (3)
- Information: Number of pension recipients, number, Average pension, euros/month, (2)