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Statistical database

  1. Decisions on coverage by Finnish social security while working abroad

    Modified: 1/31/2025

    1. Year: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, ..., 2024 (20)
    2. Information: Issued decisions, number, Decisions issued by handler, number, Automated decisions, number, Share of automated decisions, %, (4)

  2. Granted certificates on coverage by Finnish social security while working abroad

    Modified: 1/31/2025

    1. Year: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, ..., 2024 (11)
    2. Personnel group: All personnel groups, Employees, Civil servants, Sailors, ..., Grant recipients (8)
    3. Certificate's period of validity: All periods of validity of the certificate, Period of validity: less than 3 months, Period of validity: 3 months - 1 year, Period of validity: 1 - 2 years, Period of validity: more than 2 years (5)
    4. Age group: All age groups, Under 25, 25 - 34, 35 - 44, ..., 65 - (7)
    5. Gender: Both genders, Males, Females, (3)
    6. Information: Certificates, number, Prosessing time, days, (2)

  3. Granted certificates on coverage by Finnish social security while working abroad by target country

    Modified: 1/31/2025

    1. Year: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, ..., 2024 (11)
    2. Target country: All foreign countries, Several countries, Netherlands, Australia, ..., Country unknown (45)
    3. Personnel group: All personnel groups, Employees, Civil servants, Sailors, ..., Grant recipients (8)
    4. Certificate's period of validity: All periods of validity of the certificate, Period of validity: less than 3 months, Period of validity: 3 months - 1 year, Period of validity: 1 - 2 years, Period of validity: more than 2 years (5)
    5. Gender: Both genders, Males, Females, (3)
    6. Information: Certificates, number, Share of target country's certificates/year, %, (2)