Statistical database

  1. The monthly statistics on earnings-related pension recipients

    Modified: 3/19/2025

    1. Month: 2014M01, 2014M02, 2014M03, 2014M04, ..., 2025M02 (134)
    2. Pension benefit in the monthly statistics: All pension benefits, Old-age pension, Actual old-age pension, Partial old-age pension 25%, ..., Survivors' pension (14)
    3. Type of information: Number of earnings-related pension recipients, Average earnings-related pension, euros/month, Monthly earnings-related pension expenditure 1,000 euros, (3)
    4. Information: Statistical month, Monthly change, Monthly change, %, Annual change, Annual change, % (5)

  2. The monthly earnings-related pension expenditure by pension act, 1,000 euros

    Modified: 3/19/2025

    1. Month: 2014M01, 2014M02, 2014M03, 2014M04, ..., 2025M02 (134)
    2. Pension benefit in the monthly statistics: All pension benefits, Old-age pension, Actual old-age pension, Partial old-age pension 25%, ..., Survivors' pension (10)
    3. Pension act in the montly statistics: All pension acts, TyEL, MEL, YEL, ..., Other benefit for unpaid period than VEKL (14)
    4. Information: Statistical month, Monthly change, Monthly change, %, Annual change, Annual change, % (5)

  3. The monthly statistics on new retirees on earnings-related pensions

    Modified: 3/19/2025

    1. Month: 2014M01, 2014M02, 2014M03, 2014M04, ..., 2025M02 (134)
    2. Pension benefit in the monthly statistics: Pension based on one's own work history, Old-age pension, Early old-age pension, Disability pension, ..., Part-time pension (13)
    3. Type of information: Number of new retirees on an earnings-related pension, New retirees' average earnings-related pension, euros/month, (2)
    4. Information: Statistical month, New retirees in statistical month of the previous year, New retirees since start of the year, New retirees since start of the year of the previous year, (4)