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Disability pension incidence rate

Disability pension incidence rates in the earnings-related pension scheme by disease category, ‰

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Disability pension incidence rates in the earnings-related pension scheme by disease category, ‰ by Age groups, Gender, Year and Disease category

 Mental and behavioural disordersDiseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissueOther diseases
Both genders   
20 -
25 - 291.490.050.27
30 - 341.450.130.39
35 - 391.410.190.54
40 - 441.390.290.80
45 - 491.390.531.21
50 - 541.621.161.95
55 - 591.933.483.99
60 - 623.5910.658.49

Saved query eb782494-5500-4a58-8072-194074774507
1 most recent time periods
A description of the statistics, the concepts, the definitions and the quality descriptions are available on the website. Go to Earnings-related Pension Recipients in Finland. Symbols used in the table:
0 = Magnitude less than half of unit employed
- = Magnitude nil or category not applicable
.. = Data not available or not published due to small number of cases
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