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Persons insured for earnings-related pension

Persons covered by the earnings-related pension scheme for the first time

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Persons covered by the earnings-related pension scheme for the first time by Year, Earnings-related pension sector, Age of insured person at year-end and Gender

 MalesFemalesBoth genders
Private and public sectors together   
17 - 1925,73326,30152,034
20 - 247,1644,90912,073
25 - 295,4823,8939,375
30 - 345,0023,6338,635
35 - 394,2553,3067,561
40 - 442,8122,3765,188
45 - 491,7001,5103,210
50 - 549168801,796
55 - 59496444940
60 - 64274174448
65 - 687043113
All age groups53,90447,469101,373

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1 most recent time periods
A description of the statistics, the concepts, the definitions and the quality descriptions are available on the website. Go to Persons insured for an earnings-related pension in Finland. A person is covered by the earnings-related pension system when the first period of insurable employment or self-employment is recorded as having begun. This period determines the sector used in the table. In the table, the age of a person is his or her age at the end of the statistical year. The lower age limit for the obligation to take out pension insurance was reduced to 17 years in the beginning of 2017. For the self-employed (YEL and MYEL Acts), the obligation to take out pension insurance starts at age 18. Symbols used in the table:
- = Magnitude nil or category not applicable
.. = Data not available or not published due to small number of cases
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