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Monthly statistics of earnings-related pension recipients

The monthly statistics on earnings-related pension recipients

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The monthly statistics on earnings-related pension recipients by Month, Pension benefit in the monthly statistics, Type of information and Information

 Statistical monthMonthly changeMonthly change, %Annual changeAnnual change, %
2024M07Average earnings-related pension, euros/monthOld-age pension1,914-1-0.11065.9
Actual old-age pension1,96810.11196.4
Partial old-age pension 25%453-2-0.471.6
Partial old-age pension 50%881-5-0.6131.5
Disability pension1,31810.1796.4
Actual disability pension1,31610.1796.4
Full disability pension1,40420.1876.6
Partial disability pension938-1-0.1465.2
Years-of-service pension2,32210.0843.8
Special pension for farmers718-1-0.1334.8
Part-time pension---....
Pension based on one's own work history1,868-1-0.11056.0
Survivors' pension75400.0446.2
All pension benefits1,93700.01096.0

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1 most recent time periods
A description of the statistics, the concepts, the definitions and the quality descriptions are available on the website. Go to Earnings-related Pension Recipients in Finland. Different pension benefits in the statistics cannot be summed, because a pension recipient may receive several pension benefits at the same time. As of the beginning of 2021, survivors' pensions that amount to 0 euro are no longer included in the statistics. Symbols used in the table:
- = Magnitude nil or category not applicable
.. = Data not available or not published due to small number of cases
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